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Fan Art Card Parts Libraries

Select one of the games above for Fan Art Parts related to that game.

Disclaimer: These objects are intended to allow fans to create non-commercial Fan Art Cards to supplement their genuine Killer Bunnies® decks using Bunny Blanks or similar. They are intended to be used for “Fair Use” purposes within the context of United States copyright law.

Add Bleed to your fan art cards without bleed

Are you trying to print fan art cards, such as those in our fan art galleries, that do not include a bleed area to allow printing and trimming to the right size?

Use this template to load your image and add the bleed. The middle is transparent (shown by the checkboard pattern in our thumbnail), so your cards show through, but the edges are extended to the right size for a 300 DPI card with 0.125 inch bleed.

  1. Open this template in GIMP.
  2. Select the bottom layer of this template.
  3. White, Black, and blue bleed layers are provided. Make visible the one you need.
  4. File | “Open as Layers” your fan art card, which will open the file as a layer above the selected layer.
  5. Save your document to a new filename.

Add White Bleed

Download XCF (104 KiB)

Add White Bleed

Download XCF.gz (7 KiB)

Liberation Fonts

This family of TrueType fonts are free (without cost and freely distributable) Sans (a substitute for Arial, Albany, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, and Bitstream Vera Sans), Serif (a substitute for Times New Roman, Thorndale, Nimbus Roman, and Bitstream Vera Serif) and Mono (a substitute for Courier New, Cumberland, Courier, Nimbus Mono L, and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono).

TrueType fonts work on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Liberation Font zip archive

Download ZIP archive (1.2 MiB)

Fan Art Parts Libraries

Painter Pallette

These Libraries of “Fan Art” Parts were assembled to help fans with great card ideas to create Fan Art Cards to share with others.

Everyone has different skills and some people excel at creating great ideas for cards, but not as much skill at drawing. These Parts can help fill that gap.