Printing Fan Art Cards
Disclaimer: Due to international copyright law, “Fan Art Cards” must be printed for personal use only. Any for-profit or commercial use violates the copyrights of the holders (Creative Team Alpha’s, Playroom Entertainment’s, and the card artists’).
Do It Yourself (DIY) and Printing at Home
Using your own printer, ink, and paper is the simplest and most obvious way to get Fan Art Cards printed for you to use in your games.
Print & Play Productions
Print & Play Productions also sells blank poker-sized cards for you to embellish.
Avery Project Sticker Paper
Printing at home with an inkjet or laser printer is easy. Finding cardstock that feels similar is hard. OfficeMax has 110-lb cardstock in 250 sheet reams, which is suitable for casual printing use. With the application of Avery Project sticker paper, the feel is close to the stiffness of the Killer Bunnies® Quest cards.
Rounding the Corners
Scrapbooking shops (or online) have tools called “Corner Rounders” that will cut round corners. One such product is the Fiskars FCSP-7329. Unfortunately, we have yet to find one with the correct radius (4mm), since most of them are ¼ inch or ½ inch radius.
Favorite Links
Inkscape is one of our favorite programs. Not only is it great for creating Killer Bunnies® artwork, it is a versatile tool for creating web graphics like those you see adorning the Fan Art Gallery pages, which often start as Inkscape vector drawings.